New Members (pre convention edition)
Please welcome the following to Branch 78: Kijuan Busby (Reynoldsburg), Jennifer Sanford (Hilliard), Erick Snyder (German Village), Curtis Taylor (German Village), Inndia Garrett (Bexley), Michael Hunt (Northwest), Ocie Johnson (Beechwold), Drew Keefer (Oakland Park), Hom Koirala (German Village), Ronnie Pope (Beechwold), Hunter Rathburn (Livingston), Deion Gwynn (West City), Tiara Debrah (Northland), Deamar Devoise (Gahanna), Me’lika Dorsey (Gahanna), Christian Jones (West City), Tara Maxwell (South Columbus), Kevin Morrison (Northwest), Seth Porter (West Worthington) and Destiny Williams (East City).